We really are what we eat

So let’s use that to our advantage

Your body uses the foods you eat as building blocks for hormones. Are you eating the right foods in the right amounts?

My approach

Personalised science

Every person I work with is different, with health goals unique to them. My role as a Nutritional Therapist is to use the latest research, tools and scientific knowledge and apply them to your situation. Together we’ll understand your symptoms and pinpoint the things that will help you maintain your health in the long term.

It’s a puzzle we’ll solve together. It’s evidence-based medicine. It’s a personal plan you can feel happy about.

Let’s talk

We’ll have a chat and work out your needs

If this is connecting with you and you’d like my help, please get in touch.

Real women, real stories

Meet Natasha

I’m a Nutritional Therapist, and I’m passionate about helping women like you feel like their best selves as they experience perimenopause and menopause. I should also say ‘women like me’, because I’m going through it too.

I can help you return to the days when you wake up after a good night’s sleep, full of energy and excited for the day. I’ve been on a five-year educational journey to ensure that the advice I give isn’t based on fads, feelings or a quick Google.

But don’t worry – I’m also a real person who loves food and the joy of preparing and eating something tasty! And as a mum, I know that this luxury is not always possible! I believe that personalised nutrition can help women feel amazing every day, without sucking all the fun out of life.

Nutrition FAQs

  • Absolutely. All my recommendations are based on the latest research. Nutrition is an area that’s expanding rapidly and new research is published all the time. I believe and hope we’re almost at the point where healthcare (and nutrition’s place in that) will be considered more widely from a preventative point of view, using science’s findings as its basis.

  • I wouldn’t be able to run my business if it didn’t! The food you eat should be packed with ingredients and nutrients to nourish your body. When they are, I see the difference in my clients, and they feel it. A healthy diet can truly revolutionise your menopause symptoms.

  • Definitely not. I LOVE food and cooking, and I don’t believe a healthy diet means eating with no joy. I want to share my passion with you, and we’ll work together to find a practical diet with foods you enjoy.

  • To be realistic, if you’ve come to me, it’s likely you will need to make changes. This may be challenging, but my aim is to find a sustainable balance between your lifestyle and your diet. I’ll be with you every step of the way.

Download my free guide

Take the first steps towards balancing out your hormones and feeling in control again.

Let’s make a plan

Plans lead to action, action leads to change

Take the first step to feeling happier and healthier with a free initial chat with me.